Gangs 4

When I look at all the United States has accomplished throughout its history, it’s amazing at how far we’ve come. I mean this county is only two hundred and forty something years old, we’ve been through battles here and world wars abroad. We have fought enemies with overwhelming odds and America has always come out on top. Even to this day we have shown the world it’s not wise to go against this country. Without a doubt 9/11 was the worst terrorist attack I have ever seen in my lifetime, more than three and a half thousand people were killed in front of every American’s eyes on TV, but has America really ever looked at who these people are? It was not another country declaring war against the United States, it was a gang of criminals who wanted to inflict terror on the American citizens. I brought this up because I wanted to show everyone reading this, this is what gangs do in America now. They are home grown terrorist that live right here in our country. Yes, while the people in the middle east will shout this on their roof tops, the gangs here will tattoo their bodies with their gang logo and wear it like a patch of honor. People may think I am crazy for comparing the gangs here in this country with the people who attacked the Twin Towers in New York City, but let me assure everyone reading this, there is absolutely no difference. The attack on 9/11 was more horrific to us as Americans because we actually saw it play out with our own eyes on every news station across the United States. But has anyone ever looked at how many murders that gangs commit each year in every major city in the US?

Let’s take another look at something else. How many gang thefts are committed each day across our country? How much drugs are being sold across our country each day by gangs? How many robberies? Car jackings? Extortions? Assaults? Rapes? And murders? If we take a look at the cities over the last ten years that were the murder capital of each year, I am sure most people would be surprised. In New Orleans it was over three hundred, Washington D.C. had over three hundred, Detroit had around the same. That is only three cities, can everyone imagine if we looked at all the major cities and added up how many gang related murders there were in one year, what we’d come up with? Imagine if each prison across the United States was to show how many assaults, stabbings and murders they have each year because of gangs.

Just since these three gangs started in prison many years ago, the crimes that have been committed by them is nothing compared to what took place on 9/11. The only difference between them is that the terrorists on 9/11 did their crimes all at once, while the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican Mafia and Texas Syndicate have committed their crimes over a matter of decades, but what is the difference between them? The absolute truth is nothing, other than one comes from a different country, and the others are born right here in America.

The terrorist from the Middle East have put together a gang of criminals that had a leader called Osama Bin Laden, who sent his group of crash dummies to America to inflict terror on the United States. While these three gangs have a leader from here that send their crash dummies out to terrorize other prisoners, guards and anyone else they are doing business with. After 9/11, our government declared total war on Osama Bin Laden and his gang of terrorists. Rightfully so, I mean these men proved without a doubt they were a very serious threat to the United States of America.

So, the chase to capture Osama Bin Laden began, within weeks of the 9/11 attack, American soldiers were sent to Afghanistan and an all-out attack took place. The American President at the time, George W. Bush, said, “America will never rest until we capture Osama Bin Laden and all the people who were involved in the 9/11 attack.”, and true to our word, over the next ten years, American soldiers and the CIA searched for Osama Bin Laden, during this time we either captured some of these men and moved them to a base in Cuba or killed them, and finally America showed the world late one night when our Navy Seals raided a house, on the third floor, went in a room and shot Osama Bin Laden dead. God only knows how many billions of dollars were spent chasing this one man and slowly disbanding his gang of criminals. America also showed the world that it doesn’t matter how much money you have, because Osama Bin Laden’s family are super rich, he had an endless supply of money, but none of that helped him. America proved to the world that it would do whatever was necessary to bring these criminals to justice, and I am sure everyone in our country applauds how the United States kept its promise. But now let’s take a look at the gang problem that’s plagued our country since before the 9/11 attacks were ever thought of.

As I have already written in the last three chapters, the destruction these gangs have caused since the beginning, gangs so ruthless that they were willing to cut a man open, pull out his intestines to get some balloons of heroin he swallowed. Let’s not forget how they cut the head off of another prisoner just so they could instill fear in other prisoners, or how they had their crash dummies attack guards for the only reason was that they could not be bribed. They are directly responsible for thousands of murders, and what I have been writing about isn’t a secret, this has been going on for decades, way before 9/11 these gangs existed, but nothing serious has ever been done to combat the problem. Hell, there has been documentary after documentary done on how these gangs got started. I can remember seeing the special on cable called Gangland, where it showed these different gangs and really broke down how they began. So, what I’ve been writing about in these last three chapters has been public knowledge since forever.

I remember in one episode about the Aryan Brotherhood, a man who I believe his last name was Silverman, was at the Marian United States Penitentiary, brutally stabbed a guard to death because while he had shaken down his cell, took some contraband and about an hour after this guard was killed, another Aryan Brotherhood killed another guard. When they asked why he killed the officer, he said, “Because everyone was bragging about Silverman, and I didn’t want him to have one up on me, so I decided to kill me one too.” This is a good example of how these men think. How dare a guard take something from me, even though guards take small contraband from prisoners every day. Most prisoners usually never say anything because ninety percent of the time they know they’ll get it back. But these types of men believe they are running the prison, so they do whatever it takes to scare the other guards. Remember what I said earlier, these gangs are home grown terrorist, the only difference with these men from Osama Bin Laden, is that they are from America, and if everyone was to take a look at who killed more Americans, you would quickly learn it is the gangs. Now because of these gangs being able to operate throughout the prison system and in the world, their numbers have grown so large that it’s become virtually impossible for the prison system to deal with them. The men sitting in prison are having drugs shipped inside prisons all over our country and have expanded their members all over the United States. There isn’t anything these gangs are not involved in as far as criminal activity, yet our government has yet to do anything serious to put a total stop tot eh gang problem throughout our country.

Now because they haven’t, others in prison and on the streets have decided to start their own gang. It went from three major prison gangs to dozens of others because criminals saw with their own eyes that these three gangs were making millions of dollars. They have all the power inside the prison system. They did all the drugs they wanted, had cell phones and no one would ever attempt to bother them. It’s because they had the green light from our government to operate, the gang problem in our country has grown so far out of control it’s crazy. Truthfully some of these gangs have grown so large, that they are really a small army.

As I have said, our country spent billions of dollars after 9/11 chasing Osama Bin Laden and his gang of terrorists. The United States have proven that no matter how many people you have, how far away you are, or how much money you have, we have the power to bring you and your organization to an end.

So, when does our country bring these terrorist gangs to an end? In my next chapter, I am going to talk about some of these other gangs that have come along and show how every major city has been affected in one way or another by gangs.

The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez