Gangs 5

In this chapter I want to talk about what has happened across our country because our government’s lack of intervention in eradicating the gang problem that has plagued our country. I was wondering before if the states and our government at first just didn’t care because it was a prison thing, and I am sure that a lot of people thought so what if prisoners kill each other? But once these gangs took their organization into the streets of our country. One would have thought our government would have done whatever was necessary to put a stop to it, but because they didn’t, the gang population has grown so far out of control that they have virtually taken over parts of every major city in our country.

After the start of the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican Mafia and Texas Syndicate, others started seeing the success these three gangs had, not just in prison, but outside of prison as well. Once others saw their power and ability to make millions of dollars, other gangs started to pop up all over the place. Just in the fifteen years I served in Texas, I can count at least eight Mexican gangs, five different white gangs, three black gangs and truthfully there is probably more than that. Plus, if someone went to all the different cities throughout Texas, they would quickly see that there are dozens and dozens of other gangs nobody has ever heard of. By allowing the big organized gangs to grow and prosper like they did, others dreamed of doing the same thing and now there are so many different gangs that the numbers are in the hundreds, if not thousands. What’s crazy is our states and federal government still hasn’t done anything to solve the problem, of course they will dispute that.

In Texas each prison has what is known as the Gang Intelligence Officer, his job is to identify every gang member and out their name into a nationwide database. They also have these officers in each major city throughout Texas. I know California has something like this as well, and I’m sure other states do too. But once again, what has our government done to eradicate these gangs? Of course, the answer to this question is nothing, and as I said, these gangs keep growing and the violence has gotten worse.

Another thing has happened because of this, gangs from other countries have seen the opportunity to come here and start business.

Let’s take a look at how many drug gangs have come here from Mexico alone. Dozens of different gangs from all over Mexico have come here and set up shop. Look at Medellin and Cali Columbia, they have sent more Cocaine here than any other country. The Russian gangs have been showing here for decades. MS-13 out of El Salvador has caused so much trouble here, not only in prisons, but cities all over America. The list of gangs coming to the United States is staggering. The head of these gangs know that if one of their members get busted, it’s no big deal, they just replace him and it’s right back to business. Even the American gangs know if they get busted, they will keep right on doing business from jail because the lack of intervention from our state and federal governments concerning gangs, gangs having come here from all over the world. It’s been a never-ending cycle that just keeps getting worse. These gangs keep sending more and more men here, placing them in every major city throughout our country. This has been going on for decades because of the Mexican, Central and South American gangs, our country has seen more drugs here than any other time in America’s history. There have been other issues with these gangs, as well as the gangs from here. As gangs keep coming here they eventually see they have grown bigger than the gangs that are from here so, instead of working with the American gangs, they decide to take total control and start killing them.

I can remember when MS-13 started really coming here from El Salvador, they became famous for chopping people up with a machete. They would kidnap members of other gangs and chop them up while they were still alive. They even went so far as to go into the homes of the members of other gangs’ family’s and kill their parents, brothers and sisters. I remember out in California when some MS-13 kidnaped a rival gang member’s entire family because he owed him two hundred dollars. After he went to the location to pay, they killed his whole family in front of him. His little sister was only two years old.

Like I said in my last chapter, the United States spent billions of dollars chasing Osama Bin Laden and his gang of terrorists, which I truly believe needed to be done, but right here in our own country, we have gangs upon gangs of terrorists who have caused way more destruction than Osama Bin Laden ever thought of. Yet, they have been allowed to operate and continue their criminal empire without any major problems from our government. Yes, they have charged some of the major gang leaders in the past, but have done very little over all in putting a stop to these gang of terrorists.

If a person were to take a serious look at every major city throughout our country, I am talking every single one starting from the east coast in New York City, New Jersey, Boston, Cleveland, right on down the coast to Atlanta, Miami, right on across to Houston, Dallas, to the west coast in Los Angeles, you would quickly see that these gangs control parts of these cities. How could groups of gangs be allowed to control parts of every major city in our country without our government doing anything? I don’t know if anyone has ever thought about it this way or not, but wouldn’t it make sense to spend the same amount of money chasing these home-grown terrorists as you did Osama Bin Laden and his gang? I mean call me stupid, but you chase Osama Bin Laden for over ten years before the Navy Seals killed him, but these gangs of terrorists that have extorted local businesses, assaulted, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, sold drugs all over our country and murdered more Americans than Osama Bin Laden ever thought of, walk our streets every single day without any serious worries. How could our government just turn their heads to these gangs of terrorists for decades? They have taken over parts of cities where even the local residents don’t want to even drive through the neighborhood. Has anyone ever thought about that?

Let’s take a look at LA out in California, the land of Angels, the home of motion pictures, beautiful homes all over the place, but the people who live there will go miles out of their way to avoid parts of the city because they know that this area is infested with gangs. They know driving through this area they could be forced out of their car at gun point, robbed or shot for no reason other than they are just driving through the area. It’s not just LA, it’s the same in every major city across the United States.

I want everyone to think of this, how could our states, especially our federal government, allow these gangs to take control of every major city in the United States and do absolutely nothing to take the streets back? The gang problem is so bad in Chicago that the police won’t even drive through certain areas of town without back up from other police officers. If they try, the gangs will throw bottles, bricks or even just shoot the police cars. What I’m writing isn’t something new, this has been going on for decades, way before Osama Bin Laden. This is the United States of America, the land of the free. Well, that is unless you live in a major city. My question is, how could our government allow this to exist in our country without doing everything in their power to shut it down, because the gang problem isn’t just in one place, it’s spread across our country like a deadly cancer eating at every part of America.

In my next chapter on gangs in America, I am going to talk about the death toll across the United States, how gangs have not only affected prisons, but our entire country as a whole.

The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez