Modern Day Slavery 3

By Jay Goodman

Here we are way into the 21st century 2019, and Texas is not any closer to bringing their system to modern times than North Korea is in becoming part of the United States. Truth be told, they do not want to bring their prison system into the modern age. Because, they would have to change the way it’s been and is being run. Of course, the thought of that would send the Puppetmasters back to their battlefield room to figure out how they could find ways to still manipulate the system and continue their criminal organization.

As I have said throughout my book the very last thing they want “is change”. Being tough on crime is a facade they sell to the public. Also, why they have built all of these prisons, and why they continue to operate way over one hundred prisons until today. The very minute someone says anything about change or down-sizing the prison population. The very first thing the Puppetmaster will scream is, what do you want to do? Let all of the murders and child molesters out of prison? The public, of course, will say no, but I believe we have too many people incarcerated and there are literally tens of thousands of prisoners who they can release. Of course, they will just keep repeating; you want to let out all of the murders and child molesters? No matter what anyone says or tries to show, they will keep saying murders and child molesters. Why? Because they want to instill fear into the public. They want our politicians and all elected officials to be scared so as not to change anything. When an organization like T.I.F.A. has tried to get something changed of course the Puppetmasters will always take the most heinous case they can find and use it to manipulate everyone on why all of these prisons are needed.

I will be the first to say there is a need for prisons. I have written this statement throughout my entire book. I have also written chapters on my fellow prisoners. But, the majority of prisoners in Texas have done their time needed to be released to go home. Literally, there are tens of thousands of inmates that have proven themselves over and over for parole. If people would take a serious look at each prison they would see there are so many people who never get into trouble. Who do everything they can to show the state they want to be released. They will also use individuals’ cases that have aggravated sentences and make them do 80% or 85% of their sentence. Even though they are already serving half of their entire sentence before they come up for parole. Yes, because their sentence is aggravated they have to serve more of their time. OK, I get that. But, the majority of these men and women have done the requirement that is needed to come up for parole. They also have stayed out of trouble and proven themselves as a great candidate to make parole. None of this matters to them, the only thing that does matter is keeping us here for as long as they possibly can.

This entire system is set up to ensure that we stay here. Every rule, law, policy they come up with, is put in effect to cover-up what the Puppetmasters are doing. Texas and TDCJ have thought of every conceivable option afforded to them. If you can circumvent federal rights for policy and no one complains, all the better. When TDCJ want to change something, they simply state it’s a change in policy. If you or your family challenge it, they use scare tactics. Fear is a very effective tool in this prison system arsenal. Ask any veteran what happens during combat. Ask any rape victim, ask anyone who has been robbed at gunpoint, and home invasions. Ask any person who been incarcerated in prison. This scared into compliance tactic, has worked so well in Texas prisons, that they took it to the general public. How? By saying to everyone who speaks out about lowering the prison population. What do you want us to do, let out all the murderers and child molesters? They keep using those words over and over until they scare the public. Next time you see something that brings on this natural panic, remember chicken little. The sky is not falling, it never has and never will. Yes, there is true evil in this world we live in every day. We see the effects of fear every day. We see evil in its most masochistic form. How does this work? Easy, prisoners and their families are scared into compliance. Inmates are scared into compliance, through officers and inmates. Inmates, how can this be? Simple; have you ever seen people go crabbing before? Have you ever gone crabbing? All you need is a five-gallon bucket. Once you start to put crabs into it, the other crabs drag any crab that reaches the top, back down into the bucket. Does this sound familiar? Anyone who tries to fight the system is labeled a trouble-maker.

If you try to get someone to write a grievance, the first thing out of their mouth is, I don’t want to be shook-down. What do you think they’re going to find? The body of Jimmy Hoffa? It’s not that they are scared of being shaken down, as much as something being planted in their cell. If you know the rules and help people out writing grievances; doing appeals, Nunc pro tunc’s, 11.07’s, 2254’s, §1983’s, or anything else along these lines. You are labeled a “writ writer”, which is the form of a jailhouse lawyer. Trust me when I say, They take what they do to you to another level. You Literally become public enemy number one. Why? Because, you disrupt the flow of the system. Texas does not want anyone interfering in their money laundering. Stop and think for a minute. TCI industries are on the stock exchange under Real estate. TCI makes shorts, T-shirts, socks, jackets for prisoners and officers, crystal clean detergent, washcloths, handkerchiefs, sheets, inmates uniforms, mattresses, soap, jumpsuits, etc., etc. Now TCI/Texas sell these items to an outside source/Political Subdivision. Then these shell companies resale these same items back to TDCJ for a larger profit. Look at what Texas prisoners are forced to buy at the commissary. Shorts, T-shirts, boxers, socks, handkerchiefs, crystal clean, shower shoes, washcloths. “All” of these items are made by the prisoners working in TCI “Sweat Shops”. Then they turn around and sell these same products back to their slaves who made the items for an increased profit. Anything you make on these items are a profit because you never paid for the labor involved to make these items.

I believe one of the reasons TDCJ/TCI/Texas are able to get away with this scam, is due to people believing that those given a position of high ethical standard must have high ethical morals. Not really; Federal Judge William Wayne Justice from the David Ruiz days, and more recently Federal Judge Keith P. Ellison in the heat lawsuit learned that the hard way. Just how out-of-touch with reality TDCJ/Texas are with the 21 century. They will break any and every law necessary to make a dollar. They will violate the Federal Constitution, and they do it every single day. There is never a day that goes by that the people running this criminal organization are not stealing. They violate state, federal and international laws on a daily basis and it seems that everyone working for this prison system continues to ignore all the cries for help.

Nothing is sacred to the people that control the Texas prison system. Their goal is to break each person mentally and to scare every prisoner into compliance. It is important to have prisons, it is equally important to remember that the men and women in your care are citizens of this country. We have families who love us and miss us. We were not sent to prison to be mistreated and to be taken advantage of. We were sent to prison because we broke a law. Also, while it is important, we answer for our crimes. Again, it is equally important that we receive rehabilitation and be given every opportunity to better ourselves and also to reunite with our families. All of the prisoners see the mass stealing, lying, cover-ups, falsifying of disciplinary cases, quota system, mental as well as physical abuse, and how we are kept in prison.  Not because we are getting into trouble. They need us to work in these factories, plantations, and to keep this criminal empire rolling. There was a law created to bring down gigantic groups of men who organized together to form an illegal organization, whose sole purpose was to work together as criminals. That law is called the RICO Act. Which stands for, Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization. This, of course, describes the Puppetmasters to their fullest. I am reaching out to the Federal Government to read my last three chapters use that as well as the rest of my book to bring down this corrupt prison system. Please send people out to all the prisons and sit down with the prisoners and listen to their stories. I promise you, you all will never believe what is happening in these Texas prisons.

The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez