Job completed for Berenicer

Completion date: March 23, 2020

Location: fort worth, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

On Monday, March 9, Berenice’s brother and another family member came in to the office around 8 a.m. One family member was told to come see Francisco, another was told to see Daniel. Either way, they ended up at the same place.
The case was not filed, but they did put an ICE detainer. After asking several questions, we learned that she actually had an application for residency that had been submitted by her father years ago.
The family was desperate, but they trusted our advice to NOT post a bond in Tarrant County. The case was filed three days later. After reviewing the case, it was a legal stop due to driving with no lights on at night. Unfortunately, it was a blood test to determine alcohol content. Since she looked good on the video, the family again trusted us to wait for the results. IF we were lucky and it was a low result, maybe we could get the case reduced and would help in getting a lower immigration bond.

Solutions provided:

The results came back on March 19. They were not in our favor. We contacted the Court late that day and were able to get her brought over from the jail the very next day. We were able to plead her to a sentence equal to the time she already had in jail. We were fortunate to have gotten that sentence. As a result, immigration actually picked her up Saturday morning, according to jail records.
We gave her very specific instructions on how to request an ICE bond without her family having to spend more money on lawyer fees. Immigration did not charge her a dime for her bond! Our advice, once again, worked. She was out of immigration by 1:30 Monday morning and will be coming back to our office for us to work with her on her immigration status adjustment.
The family was quite grateful. We met with them on an almost daily basis from the date they hired us until the day she pled. They stayed in touch with us by email as well. The family was extremely helpful in providing documentation that we are certain helped in getting her out of ICE. All in all, this was a team effort for a wonderful result.
For a U.S. citizen, this would not have been as troublesome. But we were able to help someone who in all likelihood will become a U.S. citizen one day stay in our great country.

Team members on this project:

Doug Gosewisch

Photos & Videos:

1550 West Berry
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1550 West Berry
The Attorneys
  • Francisco Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Phillip Hall
  • Rocio Martinez