July 27th, 2016
Whenever a cop is in their uniform, whether or not they’re actually on duty they need to carry only department approved batons, such as the expandable one. The list of approved batons isn’t kept b...
June 28th, 2016
A-B: When a cop gets to the scene of a fight and the person who made the call wants to press charges against the fighters, the cop should make a report. On little fights that the officer sees, the cop...
June 26th, 2016
Once they get there, cops should be careful and look around to see if they can spot the person. If they do, they should get a hold of them, investigate, and arrest them if they have to. The cops shoul...
June 24th, 2016
This kind of response can be pretty much anything, so cops should always be careful and keep their guard up for it. They should be friendly and try their best to help out with whatever they can do. If...
June 7th, 2016
Una persona que reclame un gravamen como resultado de un proyecto de una construcción residencial deberá registrar una declaración jurada con el funcionario de condado del condado en donde se local...
May 24th, 2016
A: Somebody that’s having trouble with their car (something like a flat tire or running out of gas) can get a ride from a cop to get help. B: Somebody whose car got destroyed in an accident can get ...
May 23rd, 2016
Todo juicio con jurado tiene dos jueces, el juez y el jurado. Es el deber del juez de presidir en el juicio y decidir si la evidencia es apropiada para que el jurado la considere. También al final de...
May 19th, 2016
I’m going to talk to you guys — and the State just did. I’m going to ask you a bunch of personal questions on your feelings and thoughts. So before I thought I’d start peppering you with quest...
May 18th, 2016
An Amber Plan is basically when radio stations work with the law together to help and try and find kids that got abducted. Every radio station needs to stop whatever is going on and tell listeners abo...
May 18th, 2016
The Immigrant Community Attorney, Francisco Hernandez, and the Law Office of Jim Zadeh, P.C. your attorney for car and truck accidents, are teaming up to support the community. Francisco and I share m...
May 17th, 2016
If a cop gets a missing person’s report for somebody that isn’t 17 yet, they get brought to the juvenile detention center. The age for this is 17 whether or not they’re from Texas. The cop shoul...
May 16th, 2016
The cop isn’t allowed to arrest them, unless they have a warrant or the person is doing something illegal of course. If the cop leaves without arresting the person, they should write down where they...
Total: 354