April 17th, 2016
The supervisor needs to be told whenever a dead person is found and it’s not at a hospital. If the dead person is at a hospital and was there for more than a day, or the person had a pretty bad medi...
April 17th, 2016
Unless the weapon may have been stolen, lost, brought away or just moved in general, it shouldn’t be touched. If the weapon isn’t taken from the victim, it should be left where it was found. If th...
April 16th, 2016
At least two cops need to get sent for all robbery alarms or robberies that are still happening. If they can, the call taker needs to try and get the caller the stay on the phone so that they can keep...
March 27th, 2016
Over the past 8 years, our firm has handled hail storm cases throughout the state where the insurance company denies or underpays the claim. After last night’s storm, I offer these tips...
March 25th, 2016
I’m going to tell you a little bit about how the Jury selection works, and tell you a little bit about what jury selection is. And then we’re going to talk about the law a little bit....
March 19th, 2016
Order to Preserve Audio Recordings and Radio Communications...
March 17th, 2016
En los últimos 8 años, nuestra firma de abogados ha manejado varios casos en los que la compañía de seguros se niega a pagar o paga menos de lo correcto por concepto de daños causados por el gran...
March 17th, 2016
Proporci6neme una lista de nombres y direcciones de las personas que pueden escribir cartas al juez en su nombre. Solo necesito los nombres y las direcciones. No hay ningún limite. Los mas nombres es...
March 16th, 2016
The best statement I have heard a Federal Client make to a Federal Judge: “Your Honor, please accept my apologies for the trouble I have caused you and the Great United States of America.”...
March 14th, 2016
To improve the overall quality and efficiency of the criminal courts by diverting low risk/low needs first-time drug offenders to a court-supervised program that will enhance public safety, reduce cri...
February 25th, 2016
Joe is 18 years-old and is a senior in high school. Joe is still living at home with his parents. Joe’s parents are aware that Joe smokes cocaine and they do not approve. What Joe’s parents did no...
Total: 354